How Can We Reduce Our Plastic Footprint Whilst Travelling?

With Thanksgiving just around the corner and the world slowly opening up again, more and more of us will be travelling farther afield this holiday period and taking a much needed vacation. I know a vacation is a time to relax but unfortunately it seems that tourism is a driving factor in the increase of […]

Navigating the Recycling System

Image from NS Packaging We live in a world that’s telling us to be greener, to care for the environment and to do our bit. Often, we hear that one of the best ways we can play as an individual is by recycling. Just to clarify, recycling is the process of turning waste materials into […]

Sustainable Travel: Is Plastic-Free Grocery Store Shopping Realistic?

Every year, Canadians throw away 3 million tonnes of plastic waste, only 9% of which is recycled1. Let’s be honest, this is appalling!  So what happens to the plastic that we don’t recycle? It ends up in our oceans. Single-use bags, plastic bottles, food containers, and food wrappers are the four most widespread items polluting […]